HTML Static WebPage
This week I finished the first draft of my home HTML Webpage. Thanks to the fact that it consists of several subpages, and each of them requires a different content layout, I have learned a lot. It is still a static HTML webpage, but fully responsive.
A modern way to build an HTML website
This week there was a real breakthrough in the way that I build an HTML website. Until now, I was learning the basics of HTML and CSS, and thus I was working like a dozen years ago. Editing index.html and style.css. By combining these two files, the browser generated the page. This is the past, […]
Coming back after the holidays
The first week of study, after the summer break. I needed a vacation to catch my breath and think about what to do next. Three weeks without programming confirmed my belief that I like to do it. I want to learn new things and test them in practice.
BEM Notation
There was a lot going on this week, and the whole week was filled with Frontend. I made the decision that the coursework at WTF would become my homepage. This gave me extra motivation to practice the same thing many times until the element is done well. Starting with BEMa.
How to use BEM Notation
This week was a short week, in terms of the number of hours spent programming, but it brought a very important issue to my knowledge bank: BEM.
Why I learn Python
Christmas is a time of reflection, so I also had a moment for programming reflection. I’m learning Python for two reasons. One is ML the other, it’s writing web applications. The latter reason turns out to be an insurmountable path for the moment. Why?