Another CSS week
Another week with CSS and learning about its possibilities. This is also the week in which I completed my first CSS training project and, more importantly, learned the limitations of this language. Let’s get down to business.
CSS deep dive
CSS, CSS, and more CSS. I liked the project carried out during the CSS training so much that I decided to use it to create a page with information and my photos from erroneous rocks. This is an idea for now because the training project is not over yet, but as soon as the project […]
CSS is the BEST
CSS is the BEST, the sequel to the extremely engaging CSS course on Udemy. This week, I can still confirm what I wrote in the previous one. The Advanced CSS course from Jonas Schmedtmann is the best CSS course I have done so far. You will find there both theoretical basics and a lot of […]
WebApp Strip Expotencial
WebApp Strip Expotencial published. This week, although I didn’t find many hours for programming, I found time to complete a very important project for me, which is “Strip Expotencial”
More JavaScript
This week, I continue exploring the nooks and crannies of JavaScript and solving design problems when creating the “Strip exponentiation” application in JavaScript.
First IT Exam
This week I have my first IT Exam, then I have a lot of relaxation.
What about learning react.js
Instead of practice, the first classes were mostly held in the form of lectures. On the one hand, it can be said that theoretical introduction is always needed, but on the other hand, practice is much more effective when it comes to remembering than passive absorption of knowledge. So much for school, what about React?
I got lost in ReactJs
I got lost in ReactJs, got lost in JavaScript, does anyone have a map to exit? This is how you could summarize the past week.
React.js the first week of attending the online course
How can I describe the first week of the React.Js course? No more stroking your head and telling you that learning to program is easy, simple, and fun. The time of hard plowing on the fallow has come. Nothing is easy, there is no time to play and the slogan “works for me” … does […]
HTML Static WebPage
This week I finished the first draft of my home HTML Webpage. Thanks to the fact that it consists of several subpages, and each of them requires a different content layout, I have learned a lot. It is still a static HTML webpage, but fully responsive.